Werewolf 180 – Agatha Raisin – Day Five

Everyone meets up outside of Timothy’s cottage for some super stealthy sneaking around. Also known as “breaking and entering” but Bill’s not here to complain about you all “committing crimes” so who cares, right? Right! This is in the name of justice, after all. What secrets is Timothy keeping? There may be clues to explain what is really going on with this Cloud Watching Club! As Agatha is passing out torches, she notices that someone is missing.

“Where is that singer? You know, the one that is always dancing around? Did she get lost in the wiley, windy moors again? Oh, don’t tell me…she has a date?!”

Kate Bush (Narrow) has been eliminated. They were a Totally Normal Villager (VT).

Agatha is clearly annoyed, but they carry on with the plan and break in through the garden door. Looks like it was never locked up after all the chaos at the meeting. Everyone spreads out to search different parts of the cottage. DCI Barnaby, the new one, starts in the bedroom because there’s almost always something going on in there. Next to the bed he finds a picture of a framed man. Tom, perhaps? He picks it up to show the others. As he looks at the image, an idea occurs to him. He stares at it. He uses all three of his facial expressions to show that he is thinking. He has solved the murder! He can’t wait to tell the others. He’s so excited, he almost smiles! Oh, but before he tells anyone, he better confirm just one thing. He picks up the phone and makes a call, and…he was wrong. How? This has never happened before! The shame is too much. He resigns. 

DCI Barnaby (Ralph) has been eliminated. He was a Totally Normal Villager (VT).

As Barnaby leaves the house, he gives the photograph to Agatha. Everyone gathers around it and looks. The man smiles back at them. He looks content. Just then, they hear a noise coming from the kitchen. Everyone freezes. Silence. Maybe it was nothing? They decide they better leave and quickly sneak back out. As Professor Layton is carefully closing the door behind them, he catches a glimpse of a figure inside. It’s the same figure he saw before! As the figure turns, the moonlight catches his face, for just a moment. But it’s enough. As they regroup down the street, he shares what he saw with the others. 

“It was Tom. I’m certain of it. I recognized him from the photo!”

Town Roles:

12 5 Totally Normal Villagers (Vanilla Town)

1 DC Bill Wong (Town Cop)

1 Sir Charles Fraith (Town Jailer) 

Scum Roles:

3 1 Average Red Herring (Vanilla Wolves)

1 Super Sneaky Red Herring – Like, Are You SURE They’re Not the Killer? (Wolf Blocker)

1 Distracting Love Interest (SK)

Please note that you will need to make a handful of game-related comments per Day (three to six at least). Villagers who don’t participate in village activities will…let’s just say…be noticed. You don’t want to be noticed, do you? Didn’t think so!

Roleplaying is encouraged but not required. Daily events may take place, with warning, and prizes will be awarded that may or may not aid you in your investigations. You never know when a village fête might happen!

During the day, your job is to decide who is committing these murders without getting distracted by Red Herrings or Love Interests. Villagers win when all distractions are removed. Then, and only then, will Agatha Raisin reveal who the murderer is. The Red Herrings win if they outnumber the Villagers and the Love Interest is gone. The Love Interest wins (the love of Agatha Raisin!) if they last to the end of the game and all Red Herrings are gone.

If a majority is reached before official Twilight, the Day will automatically end (even if Agatha is busy, or sleeping, or drinking. You get the idea.)

In the case of a tie, the accused will have one more chance to plead for their lives. If that doesn’t work, random chance will take over.

All villagers are expected to follow these rules, be polite, and to remain silent after Twilight and elimination. Agatha does not like to be outshined, so you better not steal her spotlight. 

NO EDITING OR DELETING for any reason, including typos and formatting mistakes. I’m cruel, I know. Directly quoting or screenshotting from Discord is not allowed.

This is a game of murder, but it is still just a game. Attack arguments, not people, and try to be kind to everyone (even scum). 

As soon as we reach a KiLo (Kill or Lose) scenario, auto-kill will require all players to vote before being triggered.

Well done! You’re a Totally Normal Villager (VT), and you’ve been asked to assist Agatha Raisin. Please do help her not become distracted by Red Herrings or a new Love Interest. Oh, and don’t get distracted either! Your power is your vote, so make it count!

  1. Lindsay (Mrs. Lovett) Town Jailer
  2. sic (Professor Hershel Layton)
  3. Shipwreck (Captain Rex Shipton) Vanilla Wolf
  4. hoho (Red Shirt)
  5. Side (Fleabag) Vanilla Wolf
  6. Ralph (Chief Inspector Tom Barnaby) VT
  7. Kim (Monsta X Stan Account) VT
  8. Nate (Inspector Jacques Clouseau) VT
  9. Goat (Colonel Goat)
  10. Marlowe (Capt. Hastings) VT
  11. Narrow (Kate Bush) VT
  12. emm (Kitty Witless) Wolf Blocker
  13. Wasp (Lola, the Dog Catcher) VT
  14. jake (Geoff, the Tree) VT
  15. Mrs Queequeg (Queen’s PR)
  16. Lamb (Sasahara-San) Town Cop
  17. April Tiff (Sherlock Hound)
  18. Indy (Prez)
  19. malthusc (Hannah Swensen)


  1. Mac

You have until Monday, 5:00 PM Central to decide who to send to Agatha Raisin for “elimination”.

Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four