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The Thursday Politics Thread Locks Down the DNC

Mornin’ Politocadoes!

In the latest series of protests to hit the US Capitol, the DNC was locked down and lawmakers were evacuated when police clashed with protesters of the Israel-Hamas war. The protesters, led by activist group IfNotNow, pressed for a ceasefire by blocking the entrance to the DNC headquarters.

Capitol Police have made arrests, complaining of cuts, bruises, and reports of being punched. One protester was arrested for assault on a police officer. The protesters seem to have numbered at approximately 150 people, of which IfNotNow has claimed at least 90 were injured in one-sided police violence. Demonstrators have claimed that their refusal to comply with orders from law enforcement were met with “the most brutal police response I have ever seen.”

Lawmakers at the DNC at the time were apparently scared. One House Democrat claimed it was scarier than January 6th, saying

“Someone sent out word for people to come [back] and police said it’s not safe,” the lawmaker said. “Police were wearing gas masks … this was not peaceful.”

All of which to say is…I mean, come on. A group of 150 protesters blocking the entrance to the DNC is not scarier than January 6th. What was the scary part? Was it the protesters, or the cops that made the situation what it was? Or was the idea of another protest, this time directed squarely at Democrats, simply just too much to handle?

Much remains to be seen about the protest but it’s hard not to see a pattern. Pro-Israeli war protests and demonstrations are given plenty of leeway but calls for a ceasefire are met with instant law enforcement hostility from Union Station to Union Square. Demonstrators are seen in precisely the same light by lawmakers as the would-be insurrectionists at the Capitol.


Welcome to Thursday! Please be excellent to each other in the comments. The Mayor McSquirrel Rule remains in effect. Something to keep in mind! Police are using digital data to prosecute abortion seekers, and Facebook and Google are helping them! Even if they are not legally required to do so, the tech giants will aid them in this since it’s technically *against the law*. Please be careful when looking for abortion providers or helping someone who is looking for that assistance. 


The Covid-19 pandemic continues even if the emergencies end, continue to vaccinate using the latest version of the FDA approved vaccines by Phizer and Moderna. Even if you are vaccinated, please continue to maintain social distancing measures, wear masks in public areas in accordance with CDC guidelines in regard to your own vaccination status.