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The Avocado Predicts the 2022 Academy Awards

It’s Hollywood’s night to shine! After months of feverish campaigning, the Oscars are here, and it looks like it’s going to be stupider than ever this year. Although a number of truly great movies are nominated this year, the Oscars are acting embarrassed of their good choices, heavily editing the presentation of eight awards while making confounding decisions to appeal to the proletariat. Some are nobly boycotting the Oscars and not watching, while others are looking forward to the train wreck, but neither will stop you from winning the Avocado Oscar Pool! Whether you’re rooting for The Power of the Dog, The Worst Person in the World, or Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom, you can make your predictions and compete for honor and glory, in the form of upvotes.

I have created a Google Form here where you must submit your Avocado username and then your Oscars picks. On the first page of the form, you predict what you think will win an Oscar; all categories are required. On the second page, you choose what you think should win an Oscar; all categories are not required, because not everyone can pick a favorite out of every category. If you need help predicting the short films, I wrote about them here.

The poll closes at 3:00 PM EST on Sunday. Good luck!