30 day Star Trek/Wars challenge day 23: Star TREK music and show themes

Welcome to the 30 day challenge of May, which sees a return to two of the most iconic things in pop culture, to say nothing of Science Fiction, namely Star Trek and Star Wars. Throughout this month some prompts will be general and apply to both franchises, while others will be Trek/Wars specific, as indicated.

Today is a Trek specific prompt as we delve into I believe the most requested prompt following the previous Trek month, that of Star Trek music.

So for today, What are your favorite musical pieces from the STAR TREK shows/movies? And what’s the best TV show theme?

And if you want, you can revisit the Star Wars music prompt thread from its 30 Day challenge here:

Bonus prompt: Any memorable diegetic/in-story musical moments?

Extra Bonus prompt: Best sound effect/ Sound design!

Kelvin timeline prompt: How about those Star Trek Beyond needle drops?