Bonnie Pink Infinity Day Thread

You may or may not remember when I posted my rather rambling Artist Spotlight about Bonnie Pink back in 2016…or my even more rambling one in 2017. But you are probably more likely to remember her from whenever I post her song for Birthday Girl for birthday girls. Or you may just remember when I posted the above sentences on her Birthday Thread back in April. There, I mentioned her song “Elegy” and wondered if that meant that she was done releasing music. After all, she had released like two albums every three years between 1995 and 2012, and then just scattered singles. Well…

Today is the day that Bonnie Pink releases Infinity, her 13th album and her first in over 11 years. 13 tracks at around 55-56 minutes. I am not sure if it is actually on sale outside of Japan without signing up for some special program (I have not found it yet as of 2 hours before posting this), but the tracks are available on her official Youtube channel. Whether they work outside of the US, I don’t know. The Tattoo video has some mild tattoo cartoon boobage, which seems fine for Youtube, but I don’t know how it is where you work.