Led Zeppelin Tournament Results

The people have spoken! The results are in. We narrowed things down from about 60 classic Led Zeppelin songs to a final four. And here they are.

Coming in a respectable fourth place, the most recent of the finals from Physical Grafitti is: “Kashmir!

In third, after winning the consolation match, is “Ramble On” from Led Zeppelin II!

Now to the finals. The second place finisher was dominant in its early matches, and it was a pretty close final. But coming in to place is “Immigrant Song” from Led Zeppelin III

And finally, the grand prize goes to what was originally a country blues song written in 1929, and released by Zeppelin on their fourth album: “When the Levee Breaks!”

I have to admit, I hadn’t listened to this song too many times before this tournament, but y’all brought me around. “Levee” is outstanding musically, it’s historically interesting, reflecting the aftermath of the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and its effect on the Great Migration of African-Americans to the U.S. north.

I had a fun time running this, and I’ll do something else in the future for sure! Just… sometime after school starts and has calmed down. Thanks for having fun with me, and go ahead and use the comments to put your own Led Zeppelin lists together! Peace.