Avocado Weekly Movie Thread (7/26)

Welcome to the Weekly Movie Thread, your place on the Avocado to discuss films with your fellow commenters. Want to make a recommendation? Looking for recommendations? Want to share your opinions of movies, both new and classic? 

This year we celebrate the 40th anniversary of Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal. The film is a masterclass in puppetry. It is Henson’s expression of the art form at its fullest potential. He wanted to prove that the art could go beyond just children’s edutainment. With the Muppet Show he proved that adults as well as kids could enjoy the crazy cartoon antics in puppetry. Now he wanted to prove that puppets can also be leads in an epic fairy tale.

The Dark Crystal would be the first non-documentary live-action film in which no live-action actors appeared. Performers would walk around on stilts to portray the looming land striders. The Skeksis and the Mystics suggested a deep lore to which the film only scratched the surface of. It was a project full of ambition directed by Jim Henson and Frank Oz, easily atop my list of favorite creators.

I wish I loved it more.

I’ve tried to watch it twice. Once as a kid, once as an adult. I have fallen asleep both times.

It has everything that I want, and yet I have always found this a very boring movie.

Bonus prompt: what movie should you love, but just don’t?