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The Friday Politics Thread Chacha Slides Into The Weekend

Hello and welcome back to Fridays. We’re another hearing down and more and more shit gets added to the massive pile. I eagerly await with baited breath how they are going to flush it all down the drain! I’m not in a rush this time so here are some articles and videos:

  • From Izzzyzzz The Bizarre Tumblr Saga Of Sonic For Real Justice

Today’s Trans And/Or Non Binary Artist is Pop Superstar Sam Smith. Probably one of the best Balladeers working today, Sam Smith’s singing voice is fantastic and uniquely theirs a trait I really value in a world of singers who can all tend to sound like each other. They are so popular they even got to do a James Bond theme song with the underrated Writing’s On The Wall from Spectre. Today’s song though is a really fun duet with fellow Non Binary Pop Star Demi Lovato called I’m Ready.

That’s the end of Friday. Remember to Not Hog Poggle, Don’t Assassinate The Mayor, Support Our Local Clamfighter, and Be Excellent To Each Other.