Color Outside the Lines: Housing!

Hello! And welcome to Color Outside the Lines, a discussion space for people of color. Posted the first 3 Wednesdays of the month.

Thread Rules

  1. We ask that only those who identify as people of color participate in this discussion. White Avocados, while valued members of this community, should remain in ‘lurk’ mode.
  2. Shaming and hateful speech are unacceptable.
  3. Please keep potentially traumatic content safely behind spoiler tags.
  4. Nobody on this thread is more or less a person of color than anyone else. (We will not set clearly delineated boundaries on who qualifies as a ‘person of color.’ As a starting point, this thread uses the definition of ‘non-European heritage of sufficient prominence to affect one’s navigation of a society built on white normativity.’ However, we recognize that there are identities which skirt either side of the divide. If people feel that they meaningfully experience the identity of being a person of color, then they are welcome to participate.)


Housing arrangements!

Multi-generational housing is common in many cultures, while not in others. 

What are your living arrangements?

Are they different from the “norm” in your country? Are you happy with your living arrangements, or do you wish they changed?