Weekly Wrestling Thread Follows The Code of Honor


-JR has skin cancer

-Jericho cruise


-Charlotte Flair nearly fought Becky Lynch backstage, allot of he said he said going on but it seems to be that Flair hasn’t been popular backstage in a long time

-Greg Hamilton fired from WWE after trying to twitter beef with rapper Westside Gunn of Griselda about they getting no authorisation to sample his voice on some of their tracks and saying WWE lawyers would sue Gunn

Well @westsidegunn @buffalokidsgallery let’s hope that since you STOLE my voice for your incoherent kindergarten fables….that you saved up enough delivering for Door Dash….because….You….are….🤬’d. You’ll be paying me for years….apologize and I’ll think about not collecting every dime for the rest of your life….or I can just get WWE lawyers….that’s ok too. Settle with my lawyer. And don’t EVER use my voice again….so wrong.

-Deleted Hamilton instagram post


-ROH is shutting down till atleast april, everyone released from their contracts and free to work everywhere else from October 27th. Their still going to do tapings and Final Battle in novembe. Re-image of the company going on. Sinclair show not canceled just going on hiatus. This means people like Brody King(current pwg tag champ with Black), Danhousen, Dragon Lee, Flamita, Bandito, The Briscoe’s(who won the GCW tag belts this weekend), Jay Lethal, Jonathan Gresham, Mark Haskins. RUSH, Rey Horus and Tracy Williams are free to work the indie’s or anywhere else. Tony Deppen and Chris Dickinson were on a per appearance deal and PCO already said he was just sitting out this contract and leaving ROH. Future direction seems to be according to Meltzer to run as a indie without contracted wrestlers. Further reports says the Sinclair era library(2012 and up) is for sale for nearly a year now. This covers the Bullet Club America period and people like Kevin Steen, El Generico, reDDragon, Adam Cole and the return of AJ Styles.