Comic Book Review – Silver Fox #1

Silver Fox #1

Writer – Darren Dare

Artist – Carlos Trigo

I spoke about setting up my Twitter account during my review of Scout’s Honor last month. Since then, I have been contacted by writers to read and review their comics. Darren Dare sent me a PDF of Silver Fox and I finally got a chance to sit down and read it this past Saturday afternoon.

Silver Fox is the story of James and Leo, two men that bump into each other on the boardwalk one day and end up hitting it off. We get to see the start of their relationship with their first date, their first kiss, and their first exchanges of I love yous. They decide to take their relationship to the next level, one that most dating couples fear the most – meeting your significant other’s parents! James and Leo are on their way to meet Leo’s parents when they realize that both of them have been keeping secrets from each other. Will their relationship survive these shocking revelations or will they end up breaking up because of them?

This was my first foray into the world of superhero/fantasy and I enjoyed this issue immensely from start to finish. We get a bird’s eye view of Leo and James budding romance and some hurdles they must overcome together if they are to go the distance. Leo’s family is a traditional one and they don’t accept their son’s personal life choices – his sexual orientation and the way his life has turned out so far professionally. The saddest thing one can endure in life is when your Mom and Dad don’t support the decisions you make or love you unconditionally no matter who you are or what you do. The pain is palpable when Leo discusses his family with James. If I knew Leo in real life, I would give him a big hug and tell him that he has my support no matter what. Be sure to keep an eye out when James’ mother is mentioned, he has his own baggage with his family to deal with and it could be fatal for Leo.

There is so much more I’d love to share with you about this book, but you need to do yourself a favor and read it, so we can discuss it at length in the comment section. The issue is 28 pages full of action, intrigue, and romance. If you go to the Silver Fox website, you can purchase it on a Pay What You Can system. Not bad for “a digital issue in pdf form that is unapologetically queer and spooky.” If you are on Twitter, you can follow Darren Dare at @darrenjdare. I spoke to Dan over the weekend and Silver Fox #2 is planned to be released in July. I will share more information when it becomes available in the Weekly Comics Thread.