The Wednesday Politics Thread Supports Frontline Workers

Good morn, everyone. Hope you’re all doing well.

As we all try to get through this crisis, it’s important to remember those of us who are unable to stay at home. Healthcare workers and essential workers risk their lives for all of us, and don’t always have a place to turn for help in dealing with their own hardships. And so, Crisis Text Line, Kids Help Phone and Shout have worked together to create For the Frontlines, a resource to give frontline workers emotional and mental support.

The text line is a fast, free, around the clock resource for frontline workers struggling with anxiety, stress, fear, and isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The text line comes in response to a drastic increase in outreach to crisis lines. According to a statement sent to Global Citizen, in March alone, outreach to the Crisis Text Line from essential and frontline workers multiplied by four times. And as positive cases and fatalities climbed, calls about distress and grief rose in tandem. 

More than 6,000 volunteers are working the lines of For The Frontlines — 17% of whom work in medicine and health care themselves, hoping to help their own. 

This Crisis Text Line Is an Emotional Lifeline For Frontline Workers During COVID-19

If you are a frontline worker and could use some support, please reach out and get the help you need, with this text line or in any other way. If you know someone who is a frontline worker, please share this resource with them.

Text FRONTLINE for free crisis counseling:

USA text 741741
UK text 85258
Canada text 741741
Ireland text 086 1800 280

In addition, if you are able, please consider donating to For the Frontlines or volunteering for them (details can be found in their website).

Welcome to Wednesday! Let’s make this day a good one. Please be respectful and considerate, let’s try to assume good faith and good intentions even in people we disagree with, and don’t forget to take a break once in a while. Don’t threaten Mayor McSquirrel. If you have a problem, you can flag the comment, or feel free to contact the mods at