Quest for Camelot Day Thread

Quest for Camelot opened on this day 26 years ago. What’s that? You thought I would wait until the 30th anniversary to talk about this movie again? Nah. I’ll be fucking 40 by then. I ain’t waiting that long!

Anyway, to kick off this most holy of days, let’s look at an old toy commercial. It’s an ad for the film’s collection of dolls, and unfortunately, Ruber is not in it, since Ruber, alas, did not have a doll. He was included in the line of action figures, but I can’t find any TV advertising for those. What we do have here is plucky heroine Kayley in doll form, who came with a shield which could double as a necklace for you. Well, probably not you specifically, since l’m assuming you’re an adult, and it is most likely too small to fit around your neck now. Sorry. Growing up sucks. And Ruber should have had a doll, dammit!

Some things only hardcore Quest for Camelot fanboys will notice is that Kayley, for whatever reason, doesn’t appear to come with Excalibur. Like, that was kind of the whole “Quest” for Camelot. Without it, the film would have been called For Camelot, since there would have been no quest then! Also, Garrett is really looking like Ken, which I guess makes sense. “I’m Just Garrett” was the soundtrack’s breakout hit, after all.

The hell is a “dream seeker”? No one was seeking dreams in the movie! Only mechanical armies! Made with pride!

Have a great day, y’all! Also, don’t worry about Ruber, he’ll get his time to shine in the night thread.