30 Day Disney/Pixar animation challenge returns Day 22 : the modern Disney/Pixar shorts and specials

Welcome to the 30 day challenge of April, which is going to be all about Disney properties. There is a lot of acquisitions under the Disney Company umbrella at this point, but the focus here is going to be on the animated properties produced under the Disney/Pixar labels proper – there’ll be plenty of other chances to discuss Marvel and Star Wars.

Today is going to be about all the things that are not quite shows but not full features either, namely the various shorts and specials of the modern era (i.e. after the age of the 7 minute shorts ends in the 60’s). The best known may be Pixars consistent lineup of pre-theatrical feature short films, but theres also a wide range of other curios, ranging from the grand 100 anniversary Once Upon A Studio cameo smorgasbord to stuff like “The Runaway Brain”; basically everything that doesn’t fit under movies, TV shows or the classic shorts.

So,todays prompt is: What are your favorite shorts of the modern era?

Bonus prompt: Any shorts that could’ve served as basis for series, films, or otherwise?

Bonus prompt rerelease: Any visual styles from the shorts you’d like to see reused?