30 Day Disney/Pixar animation challenge returns Day 21: Best and worst of the Disney Live Action Remakes

Welcome to the 30 day challenge of April, which is going to be all about Disney properties. There is a lot of acquisitions under the Disney Company umbrella at this point, but the focus here is going to be on the animated properties produced under the Disney/Pixar labels proper

A lucrative venture of the Disney corporation has been the usage of their animated classics as templates for live-action reimaginings. Though starting in the 90’s with revamps of 101 Dalmatians and the Jungle Book this trend would return with a vengeance in the 21st century, and though things have slowed a bit, more are still to come in the future with live action Moana hot on the heels of Moana 2 for instance.

So todays prompt is: what is your favorite and least favorite of the many Disney Live Action Remake projects? How faithful do you want them to be- retain all the old songs, or ground-up reimagining?

Bonus prompt: What would be the worst yet untouched project to be remade in live action? And the best?

Bonus Prompt Rerelease: What was the worst expansion/ update to the source material, and what worked the best?

TOMORROW: The modern shorts and specials