30 Day Disney/Pixar animation challenge returns Day 20: classic shorts and forgotten characters

Welcome to the 30 day challenge of April, which is going to be all about Disney properties. There is a lot of acquisitions under the Disney Company umbrella at this point, but the focus here is going to be on the animated properties produced under the Disney/Pixar labels proper.

Today we’re going way back to some of the earliest offerings from under the Disney umbrella, in the form of the Silly Symphonies and the subsequent shorts going into the 1960s. A lot of these starred famous characters like Mickey and Goofy etc., others featured more deep cuts like Louie The Mountain Lion and Humphrey the Bear, and yet others were completely standalone.

So tell us, what is your favorite of the classic Disney shorts? Who was your favorite headlining character?

Bonus prompt: Do you prefer Donald, Goofy and Mickey separately, or teamed up?

Bonus prompt rerelease: Favorite standalone episode (e.g. the Old Mill and such)

Bonus prompt remake: What obscure character from this era should return? Who didn’t work for you at all?

TOMORROW: The Live Action Remakes