30 Day Disney/Pixar animation challenge returns Day 17: Best and Worst Animated Disney Show villains

Welcome to the 30 day challenge of April, which is going to be all about Disney properties. There is a lot of acquisitions under the Disney Company umbrella at this point, but the focus here is going to be on the animated properties produced under the Disney/Pixar labels proper.

The Disney animated films have a long history of memorable villains, but it’s easy to forget that this extends to the efforts on the Small Screen as well. So whether we’re talking Don Carnage, Xanatos, Shego, Bill Cypher or good old Pete, todays prompt is: Who is your favorite villain from the animated Disney Shows? And what show was crying out for a better villain?

Bonus prompt: Who deserved a villain song?

Bonus prompt Rerelease: What villain was tragically underused?

Bonus Prompt Remake: What theatrical villains fared the best and worst in their spinoff shows?

TOMORROW: The Disney/Pixar tropes and clichés