30 Day Disney/Pixar animation challenge returns Day 16: Best and Worst Pixar Villains / antagonists

Welcome to the 30 day challenge of April, which is going to be all about Disney properties. There is a lot of acquisitions under the Disney Company umbrella at this point, but the focus here is going to be on the animated properties produced under the Disney/Pixar labels proper.

One thing Pixar movies certainly aren’t known for compared to classic Disney is their villains. But even though several projects lack a “villain” or antagonist in the traditional sense, that doesn’t mean they aren’t there in the ouvre, and whether we’re talking evil grasshoppers, blimp-flying senior citizens, harsh food critics or overbearing mothers, todays prompt is who was the most and least memorable Pixar Antagonists to you?

Bonus prompt: What pixar project could’ve used a more traditional villain?

Bonus prompt rerelease: What pixar project would’ve been better off without a villain entirely?

TOMORROW: Animated Disney Show Villains