The P.S. Love Me Do Night Thread

Back in 1986, The Police rerecorded one of their biggest hits, Don’t Stand So Close To Me, with a new arrangement and released it as a single. It had a completely different sound from the original; much slower and brooding, with lots of Eighties touches like the use of a Synclavier and drum machines. It’s on YouTube if you haven’t heard it. A very strange song.

Paul McCartney must’ve heard this and decided to go the Police one better. He came up with a mashup of his old Beatles songs Love Me Do and P.S. I Love You (their first single) and shoved them through the Eighties mixmaster. The rather bizarre result was released in Japan only, on the bonus disc for Flowers In The Dirt, which is actually a fantastic album.

I hated this at first. Now it’s kind of grown on me. Like mold.

”No, this isn’t an April Fool joke or an Onion satire, it really happened. Including the bad mullet.”