Starring, the Monday Politics Thread

Democrats’ Historic SC Primary is A Promise Kept to Black Voters

As we kick off the presidential election year, the American people are tuning in more and more to the stakes of the 2024 election, which couldn’t be higher – particularly for Black Americans. This includes my home state of South Carolina, which is hosting its historic first-in-the-nation Democratic presidential primary today.

The Root

Biden wins South Carolina’s Democratic primary, AP says

President Joe Biden easily won South Carolina’s Democratic primary on Saturday, clinching a state he pushed to lead off his party’s nominating process after it revived his then-struggling White House bid four years ago.


In 1870, a Black woman sued her enslaver for reparations and won

Following Wood’s return to Cincinnati in 1870, she sued Ward for $20,000 in damages and lost wages, estimating that her cost of labor was worth $500 for every year she was enslaved.

Though she faced many hurdles, Wood ultimately won her case eight years after filing the lawsuit. In 1878, an all-white jury voted in Wood’s favor, a historic victory in the history of reparations.

Business Insider

Could evangelical Christian women hold the key to compromise on immigration reform?

The 62-year-old evangelical Christian from rural Texas believed God had “laid on her heart” a mission to serve asylum-seekers. She didn’t expect her calling would be controversial.

“I felt my friends and family were going to be excited for me,” she said about her 2019 epiphany. “But I didn’t get that reaction. It was like, ‘What? Why do you want to go there?'”

USA Today

Oklahoma’s oldest Native American school, Bacone College, is threatened by debts and disrepair

Founded in 1880 as a Baptist missionary college focused on assimilation, Bacone College transformed into an Indigenous-led institution that provided an intertribal community, as well as a degree. With the permission of the Muscogee Nation Tribal Council, Bacone’s founders used a treaty right to establish the college at the confluence of three rivers, where tribal nations had been meeting for generations.

AP News

What is an atmospheric river? A hydrologist explains the good, the bad and how they’re changing

Forecasters warned of dangerous flooding, heavy mountain snow and a heightened risk of mudslides and avalanches Feb. 4-6, 2024, as a powerful atmospheric river took aim at California. It’s the latest in a series of atmospheric rivers to bring extreme rainfall to the West Coast.


Wisconsin Democrats inch closer to overturning Republican-drawn legislative maps

Wisconsin Democrats are inching closer to overturning Republican-drawn legislative maps that the GOP has used over the past 13 years to grow their majorities and advance their agenda.

AP News

Of the 116 Supreme Court justices in US history, all but 8 have been White men

Since the Supreme Court first convened in 1790, 116 justices have served on the bench. Of those, 108 have been White men.

But in recent decades the court has become more diverse. Over half of its appointed justices since 1990 have been women or minorities.


Arab American leaders urge Michigan to vote “uncommitted” and send message to Biden about Israel policy

Michigan community leaders are encouraging voters to select “uncommitted” in the Michigan primary elections, hoping to send a message to President Biden before November that they’re unhappy with U.S. support for Israel in the conflict with Gaza. 

“The main push is Joe Biden’s stance on the conflict taking place between Israel and Gaza,” said Hussein Dabajeh, one of the organizers of the “Vote Uncommitted” movement.

“That’s not who we voted into office. That’s not who we helped elect,” said Dabajeh. “That’s not who over 150,000 Arab and Muslim voters in the state of Michigan voted for.”

CBS News

Column: How Kamala Harris found her groove. And why being vice president is still tough

After a history-making ascent to the vice presidency and a humbling descent into mockery and disdain following her rocky start, Harris finally seems to have found her footing in a role to which she is accustomed and adept: prosecuting attorney.

Los Angeles Times

Why California and Oregon Broke With the CDC

Two blue states acknowledge that health precautions need to be balanced with other priorities.

The Atlantic

Pharma companies raise prices on over 900 drugs amid ‘historic’ negotiations

As the federal government seeks to rein in drug prices, pharmaceutical companies this year have been raising prices on hundreds of name-brand drugs.

An analysis by the drug research firm 46brooklyn Research found that companies increased prices on 910 branded drugs in January, although the median increase was 4.7% – the lowest drug inflation rate in more than a decade, the analysis shows.

USA Today

Vermont is debating a ‘millionaires tax.’ Massachusetts added $1 billion to its budget and paid for school lunches with a similar tax.

Vermont could soon join a growing list of states adopting laws that tax the rich.

There are now six states that have some kind of “millionaires tax”: Maine, Massachusetts, California, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey. Washington, DC also has a similar kind of tax.

Business Insider

Conservatives lose their minds over Jesus as a scantily clad white twink on a poster

Critics are calling it a “gay Christ” and they’re mad.

LGBTQ Nation

FL House approves rollback of child labor laws – letting teens to work more than 30 hours a week

The Florida House of Representatives passed legislation Thursday easing child labor restrictions to allow 16- and 17-year-olds to work the same hours as adults. Democrats tried several times to modify the proposal but were unsuccessful.

The measure comes as GOP-controlled state legislatures have moved to roll back child labor laws in industries such as food and roofing.

Under existing law, 16- and 17-year-olds can work up to eight hours per day and 30 hours a week. Employers have to provide them with breaks every four hours.

That would also change under HB 49, which would hold teens to the same break standards as adults. But in Florida, there would be no legal requirements for breaks in the workplace.


Blame These Companies for the GOP’s Minority Rule

Big brands like Comcast, Walmart, Pfizer, and AT&T fund the right-wing political group that wrecked our democracy

Rolling Stone

Federal appeals court narrowly blocks controversial Florida law barring Chinese land ownership

“This prohibition blatantly violates the Fourteenth Amendment’s protection against discrimination,” Judge Nancy Abudu wrote.


Kentucky’s first transgender elected official wants you to get involved in local politics

Kentucky legislators passed some of the nation’s worst anti-LGBTQ+ laws in 2023.

Alongside bans on gender-affirming care for minors and bans on teaching LGBTQ+ topics in public schools, the state enacted a law that also requires school districts to “at a minimum” prohibit trans students from using restrooms that align with their gender identity, and mandates that schools staff out LGBTQ+ students to their guardians.

But something else significant happened in Kentucky in 2023: The state swore in its first-ever transgender elected official. Even more significant, she was sworn in to her local school board.


Biden Says This Is the ‘Weirdest Campaign Ever’ as Trump Suggests He’s an Elvis Lookalike

He’s also compared himself to the Mona Lisa for his ability to draw large, fawning crowds.

Daily Beast

Tribal president responds to Gov. Noem’s border address

Frank Star Comes Out, the Oglala Sioux Tribal (OST) President, responded Friday to Governor Kristi Noem’s border address.


How Donald Trump Got Disqualified From The Ballot And His Entire Candidacy Wound Up Before The Supreme Court

A step-by-step guide to how an obscure constitutional provision now threatens Trump’s political future.


Oregon lawmakers appear committed to walk back decriminalization of drugs

In September, the American Medical Association published a study by the NYU Grossman School of Medicine looking at 13 states with similar drug overdose rates in the three years before Measure 110 was implemented and the first year after it went into effect. The researchers concluded there was no evidence of a tie between legal changes and fatal drug overdose rates.

Statesman Journal

‘Take Our Border Back’ convoy arrives at US-Mexico border

Hundreds of protesters from around the US reached the small Texas border town of Quemado, about 20 miles northwest of Eagle Pass on the US-Mexico border, on Saturday to vent frustration over illegal immigration. 

Deutsche Welle

The Squad at a crossroads

Members of Congress’ young progressive bloc are now grappling with one career-threatening problem or another, including personal controversies, criminal investigations and serious primary challenges.


Florida bill would abolish local civilian police review boards

Both St. Petersburg and Tampa have civilian police review boards and their leaders say the state is once again trying to pre-empt local governments from their own decisions.

Tampa Bay Times

Nonpartisan campaign looks to rouse Latino vote through music

The $10 million campaign, called “Grita. Canta. Vota.” — “Shout. Sing. Vote.” — aims to reach Hispanic voters online, on TV, on the radio and through voter registration events, aiming to increase participation.

The Hill

Dearborn mayor ramps up police patrols near places of worship due to “inflammatory” WSJ op-ed

There will be a larger law enforcement presence at places of worship and major infrastructure points, the mayor of Dearborn, Michigan, said Saturday in response to what he called an “inflammatory” Wall Street Journal opinion piece which was published Friday.

CBS News

GOP tried to shut down Oregon’s legislature to protest a trans bill. They got what’s coming to them

They didn’t want kids to access gender-affirming care. Now they’re getting punished.

LGBTQ Nation

Florida’s new anti-gay bill aims to limit and punish protected free speech

By day two of Florida’s legislative session, which started last month, lawmakers had introduced nearly 20 anti-gay or anti-trans bills. One such bill, SB 1780, would make accusing someone of being homophobic, transphobic, racist or sexist, even if the accusation is true, equivalent to defamation, and punishable by a fine of at least $35,000. If passed, the bill would severely limit and punish constitutionally protected free speech in the state.

The Guardian

Sullivan vows ‘further action’ after US carries out retaliatory strikes on Iranian-linked militia targets

The US will take “further action” after conducting major airstrikes over the weekend against Iranian-backed militias who have carried out attacks on US troops in the Middle East, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Sunday.


House GOP announces bill that includes more military aid to Israel, but not Ukraine

House Republicans will move forward with a $17.6 billion package that provides military aid to Israel and replenish U.S. weapons, but leaves out more help for Ukraine, underscoring the challenges facing supporters of a comprehensive national security package that would also include billions of dollars for immigration enforcement.


America is exporting more arms than ever. Here’s why.

Record arms exports are a sign of America’s commitment to Europe — and its foreign policy failures during the war in Ukraine.


Far-right Israeli minister’s criticism of Biden sparks anger at a sensitive time for US ties

Criticism of President Joe Biden by a far-right minister in Israel’s government who said Donald Trump would allow more freedom to fight Hamas sparked outrage there on Sunday, highlighting the sensitivity of relations as Washington provides key support for the offensive against the militants in Gaza.

AP News

Graham slams Biden on Middle East strikes: ‘The only Iranian we killed… is some dumba–’

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday dug into the timing of President Biden’s response to last week’s deadly drone strikes, arguing the U.S. gave Iraq and Syria a “weeks notice,” that only served to kill “some dumbass,” who did not know the counter-attack was coming.

“If the goal is to deter Iran, you’re failing miserably. If the goal is to protect American troops, you’re not achieving your goal,” Graham said on “Fox News Sunday.” “If you’ve convinced Iran you don’t want a wider war, they believe you. ‘Oh, I don’t want a war with you,’ they got the message…they’re not afraid of us. They were afraid of [former President] Trump.”

The Hill

Hage Geingob death: Namibia’s new President Mbumba sworn-in hours after predecessor dies

Namibia has a new president in the shape of Nangolo Mbumba just hours after, as vice-president, he had announced the death of his predecessor.


Canada to sanction West Bank settlers and Hamas leaders – minister

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday said he was considering imposing sanctions on “extremist” settlers in the West Bank.

Jerusalem Post

Houthi Red Sea attacks ‘must stop,’ UK says

Top diplomat David Cameron said the latest strikes by the US and UK on Houthi targets followed “repeated warnings” to the Iran-backed group. The Houthis said the strikes would not go “without response and punishment.”

Deutsche Welle

EU: Postponed Senegal election opens ‘period of uncertainty’

International community calls for new date and transparent polls after president announces indefinite delay.


Israeli soldiers struggle to square political views with the realities of war

“I’m devastated about the death of people in Gaza, kids, the elderly. Just normal men (aged) 26, like me, we don’t want to die. But I have the right to defend myself and to defend my family, my friends, my loved ones,” he said, rejecting the notion that the Hamas terror attack was an act of “resistance” against the Israeli blockade. “I’m not saying this is not a complex situation. But I’m 100% sure that I’m on the right side of history, and that I’m trying to defend people.”


Archaeologists In Greece Recently Uncovered The Remains Of A Roman Era Wine Shop That Was Destroyed About 1,600 Years Ago

Around 1,600 years ago, a wine shop from the Roman era was destroyed after a “sudden event” that caused its owners to abandon it.

Now, archaeologists have uncovered the building’s remains at a site in the ancient city of Sicyon located in modern-day southern Greece.


‘They told me we’re all Russians’: fears grow over ‘re-education’ of Ukrainian children

During the 14 months for which Veronika Vlasenko attended school in Russia, she was regularly told by teachers and fellow students that she would never be able to go home to Ukraine. “Every day they said to me that I would be staying here for ever and would never leave Russia,” she said. “They told me that Ukraine doesn’t exist, that it never existed, that we’re all Russians … At times the other kids would beat me for being pro-Ukrainian.”

The Guardian

Kenya femicide: Why men fail to condemn deadly misogyny

Hours before a nationwide march in Kenya against the rising cases of femicide and other violence against women – a clip was posted on social media that captures how entrenched misogyny is in the East African nation.


Israel systematically destroying buildings in Gaza to create buffer zone

Experts and activists have raised concerns over the establishment of an Israeli buffer zone in Gaza, which may increase civilian casualties

New Arab

Germany sees surprising resurgence of trade unions

As the country experiences more strikes, Germany’s trade unions are reporting increasing membership numbers and engagement after years of decline. What’s behind the country’s new taste for industrial action?

Deutsche Welle

Zimbabwe’s ruling party by-election victory set to keep Emmerson Mnangagwa in power

Zanu-PF’s parliamentary majority means it can now amend the constitution and remove a two-term limit on the presidency

The Telegraph

Senegal police fire tear gas as the opposition protests at election delay

Senegal’s police on Sunday fired tear gas at opposition supporters who were protesting against the decision by President Macky Sall to postpone the Feb. 25 election over a dispute between parliament and the judiciary.

AP News

French foreign minister rejects ‘forced displacement’ of Gazans to Egypt

France’s top diplomat Stephane Sejourne said Sunday he rejects the “forced displacement” of Palestinians into Egypt from the Gaza Strip, where Israeli bombardment has pushed hundreds of thousands against the border.


El Salvador votes with Nayib Bukele poised for second presidential term

The country is voting in both presidential and legislative polls; incumbent Bukele faces virtually no competition.


Dissident artist Ai Weiwei likens Gaza censorship in West with China ‘under Mao’

The global artist criticised pro-Palestinian censorship in the West, which many say has increased in academic spaces and the media.

New Arab