Gametap Presents Space Ghost Coast to Coast Day Thread B

A few months ago, I watched the fan upload on the Internet Archive of (all but 3, whoever saved them didn’t get “Larry”, “Mark” or “Bruce”, they’re considered lost) the Gametap episodes of Space Ghost Coast to Coast. “Gametap” was Turner’s own PlayStation-exclusive streaming platform that only lasted about 4 years. 2006 was weird time.

The episodes ranges from 2 to 6.5 minutes, and the interviews are mostly with video game notables. Some of SG’s usual musician guests show up in the back half of the series. The animation is even more cheap and repetitive than the Cartoon Network version. Lowe and crew all sound tired. It does have a few good jokes… And here are screenshots of All of them in case I don’t finish my writeup in time.
