Tabletop Thread (6/7/23)

Today let’s talk about Wingspan!

Wingspan is a game about bird watching. It’s also an engine builder game where you try to build up birds in your ecosystem that help you win points at the end of the game. Birds require certain foods, habitats and lay eggs as part of the game mechanics and the best part is that it was made by and with actual bird researchers so the birds depicted, their information and habits are all as accurate as possible.

Wingspan is a lot of fun, one of my favorites to play with a group. Even without the expansions (which are also fun and add a lot of other birds from around the world) there’s a ton of birds and goals to go for. The art is gorgeous, the props are fun (the little eggs are so cute) and the play is always interesting. I highly recommend Wingspan! It’s also available digitally, for long distance gamers.

And as always, this is the place to talk tabletop gaming of all kinds!