Best Video Game Song Tournament, 2017-2020: Top 2

Top 4 Results

Finals! Celeste has done what it has threatened this entire tournament and become 100% of the field. We already know which game shall win; will it get there with the moody Resurrections or the triumphant Reach for the Summit?

If that one1 strawberry has you too frustrated to think about Celeste, we also have the bronze medal round; bops or tears, which will it be?

To inform our newcomers (and remind some veterans!) the playoffs works slightly different than the group stages. Matchups are now 1v1 single elimination. Vote in as many (or as few) matches as you want. Ties will be broken by me; otherwise I will no longer be voting. You can see something resembling a bracket here.

Since it’s the playoffs, groups will be active until 9:00 AM Pacific the day after they post2, i.e. for roughly 24 hours. You can listen to a playlist of today’s songs (in matchup order) here.

Please listen to both songs in a match before voting. Especially in these early playoff rounds; we don’t want songs advancing on reputation alone.

This round will end on Wednesday, June 7th at 9:00AM Pacific