Weekly Wrestling Thread Goes to The Moooooooooooooon


-Thunder Rosa FINALLY signed
-Chavo shows up
-Nick ‘Fuckin’ ‘MDK’ Gage is the new MJF stooge
-Jake Roberts signs two-year extension with All Elite Wrestling
-Rey Fenix cleared to return to in-ring competition

-Money in the Bank I guess, Nikki Cross won the belt
-Vince no care about NXT

-Ibushi missing dates through sickness

ROH best in the world notes(a week late i know)
-Bandido beat rush for the world championship
-Dragon Lee beat Tony Deppen for the TV title
-Chris Dickinson and Homicide beat Jonathan Gresham and Rhett Titus for tv title
-Danhousen had allot of teeth

IMPACT Slammiversary notes
-Switchblade showed up
-Thunder Rosa also for the knockout title match
-Decay new IMPACT knockout tag champs
-Kenny Omega wins lol, match ruled