Love My Way Day Thread

If you know me, then you understand how much the 1980s mean to me. I’ve featured numerous songs from the decade in my Open Threads. I figured since it’s Valentine’s Day Weekend, I’d post about the song Love My Way from the Psychedelic Furs.

I miss going to 80s Night. A bar called Lava Lounge used to have their 80s Nights on Fridays on the Southside of Pittsburgh. Nothing like dancing to classics for a solid 4 hours straight, taking breaks to have a drink and catch your breath. Remind me to tell you about the time I brought down the house with my dancing to Bizarre Love Triangle ( that’s a story for another Open Thread).

The single Love My Way was released in 1982 and reached #44 on the U.S. charts. The song plays during a pivotal moment between Nicholas Cage and Deborah Foreman in the movie Valley Girl. It’s one of my favorite songs to cruise along to when playing Grand Theft Auto Vice City. The band Korn does a really great cover of the song. It’s definitely worth checking out and giving a listen to at some point today.

I hope that you have a great Saturday and an amazing weekend.