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Comic Book Canon: The Sandman. Issues 73-75

Welcome to a series that I am continuing. I am going to go through Neil Gaiman’s now-classic series The Sandman

Issue #73

Title: An epilogue- Sunday Morning

Artist: Michael Zulli

Collected in: The Wake

Plot: Hob Gadling’s new girlfriend Gwen works at a Renaissance Faire and he accompanies her. Hob, who was alive during the time, finds fault with everything. He feels guilty about his role in the slave trade, and discovers one of his own books.

Hob gets drunk and finds his way into a condemned building. He meets Death, who confirms Morpheus is dead and sees if Hob wants to continue living. He decides to continue living. Hob dreams of Morpheus and Destruction.

My take I almost thought we were going to lose Hob


Issue #74

Title: Exiles

Artist: Jon Muth

Collected in: The Wake


Plot: Master Li crosses the desert. His son has been executed for betraying the Emperor and Master Li has been sent into exile. He gets lost and follows a kitten. He sees his dead son. He is in one of the soft places. 1 He comes across Morpheus. They talk about sons and Morpheus gives him some of the water that Marco Polo gave him.

He then comes across Daniel, who remembers him. They talk. Daniel knows he will have to destroy the emerald or be dependent upon it. The kitten bites Master Li, making him cry out, alerting his party. They make their way out of the desert.

Historical references I am not sure which Emperor is being referred to.

My take There is nothing quite like this issue, artwise. The story reminds me of Doctor Who when you get to meet more than one Doctor.


Issue # 75

Title: The Tempest

Artist:Charles Vess

Collected in: The Wake

Plot:In 1610 William Shakespeare is writing his final play. He bases the young heroine on his daughter Judith. He goes to a tavern where he encounters a few drunkards. Playwright Ben Jonson arrives from London. They discus theatre, the translation of the King James Bible, and they come up with the November Fifth rhyme.

Shakespeare finishes the play and Morpheus comes to collect. Will insists that he have a drink with his Lord in his castle. Dream takes him into the Dreaming. Will asks why he wanted The Tempest. Morpheus wanted a play about someone like him. Morpheus is the keeper of stories, but has no story for himself. Will wakes up and writes the epilouge by himself.

Historical references The Shakespeare family, Ben Jonson, King James I, Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot.

My take Scholars like to interperet Prospero giving up magic as Shakespeare giving up writing, but that of course is speculation. I thought this was the perfect way to end the series, a reflection of art, and the creative process