Christmas Song Tournament–Round 1: Religious Division

Over the course of the weekend, you guys nominated a grand total of 237 Christmas songs.  The category break down is like this:

  • 47 in the Religious Division
  • 43 in the Sad Christmas Division
  • 41 in the Seasonal Division
  • 103 in the Secular Christmas Party Division

Because of the abundance of nominations, I’m actually gonna take the top 32 from each group.  I did have to make a couple of executive decisions–to make 32 for the Sad group, I had to choose a couple of songs that didn’t actually get any upvotes.

The Secular Division was by far the most popular–the lowest upvoted songs from that group to make into the bracket got 7 votes.  However, the #1 seeded song altogether was from the Sad group, “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” with 40.

Anyway, here’s the first voting round.  I’ll just post the match-ups for the first round of the Religious Division today, then post the next division tomorrow, and so on.  Voting is open as soon as I populate the comments.