AVoCADo GamesCast-ing Call #49

Heya AvoGamers! Sorry for the short notice, but we’re planning to record the next episode of the AVoCADo GamesCast this Sunday, and we’d love for you to join if you’re available.

This is intended to be a brief E3 preview episode. We will also discuss some recent news stories (e.g. Randy Pitchford’s troubles, Epic Games store controversies, the Riot walkout).

If you want to participate, please provide:

  1. Your Skype handle1, if I don’t already have it.
  2. What times on Sunday you’re available2

As always, the GamesCast welcomes participants from diverse backgrounds. Regardless of your age, gender, sexual orientation, or cultural background, if you have something to say, we’d love to have you.

Recording should take between 75 and 120 minutes. The only hardware requirements are a decent-quality mic for recording (the mic on a mid-range headset usually suffices) and a stable Internet connection.

Let’s chat about video games!

(Credit to Science is Bad for the header art.)