Spoonie Thread: Spoon-Man and the Wasp

Welcome to the Spoonie Thread, a place for all your rants, ravings, and tales of medical woe. What’s a spoonie? It’s a person living with a chronic illness or disability. Spoon Theory is an explanation of how chronic health problems affect one’s ability to do everyday tasks. Spoonie life is a life in which opportunity costs are high, and it can’t always be Two Things.

Spoonie News: The Mary Sue has posted a scorching hot take on the character of Ghost from Ant-Man and the Wasp. Be warned, it’s hard to read this without rolling your eyes so hard they fall out of your head. Sample quote: “In fact, feeling grief from losing partial mobility or becoming disabled isn’t common, because disabilities aren’t innately heinous.”

Today’s Optional Topic: Disability and employment. How has your disability affected your job? Is it hard to obtain disability benefits where you live?