The Shrek 2 Night Thread Freaks Out and Kills Donkey (RIP Donkey)

Shrek 2 was released 20 years ago this week. To say that it was a pop culture phenomenon would be an understatement, as not only was it a huge success critically, it was absolutely massive from a financial standpoint. Shrek 2 scored the second-best opening weekend of all time when it came out, behind only 2002’s Spider-Man (which was the first film to ever premiere to more than $100 million, just in case you want to feel old).

Naturally, the sequel had a huge marketing campaign to help it along, including a Burger King promotion, video games, books, and a very…interesting commercial for Sierra Mist. Ah, member Sierra Mist? Member when it was good? Now, alas, it is dead. And so is Donkey, as in this ad, Shrek gets so fed up with his self-proclaimed noble steed that he grabs him and hurls him into outer space, which kills him immediately as he freezes to death right before our dumbstruck eyes. And yes, I am aware Donkey is shown to be “fine” at the end of the commercial, but let’s be real here: even if this ass COULD survive having his entire body frozen by the unforgiving conditions of the solar system, he is still implied to have fallen all the way back to earth once he unthaws. No. Just no. This ass is dead. The “Donkey” we see greeting a horrified Shrek must be his ghost. Or maybe a guilt-induced hallucination. And yes, this commercial is canon. The events of Shrek the Third and Shrek Forever After were just a fever dream Donkey had seconds before he died.

Have a great night, y’all!