The Cabin in the Woods Day Thread (04/22)

The next Movie I Rented From Redbox is The Cabin in The Woods.

Date of Redbox Rental- 02/22/2013

Price – $1.28

Location of Redbox – Rite Aid in Oakland (near the University of Pittsburgh)

Taking beloved tropes from horror movies and twisting them into something new and fresh will get viewers excited and spellbound and generate good word of mouth going to others.

The Cabin in the Woods takes you down a familiar path just before taking a slight detour your never saw coming.

This one is definitely due a rewatch and if I can recall correctly, I haven’t seen it since my inaugural viewing.

If you haven’t seen this one before, you should probably record that immediately.

Something to Discuss – Tell us your favorite story, movie, or T.V. show that takes place in the woods.

Bonus Discussion – Which creature, monster, entity is your favorite in the prison/cage scene?

Trivia- My co-workers brother is inside the Merman prosthetics and makeup. No lie and no fooling!