The Great Frinkiac Challenge Gets a Gritty Reboot

Good afternoon and Happy [Day of the week], everybody! I’m your host LibraryLass and this is the Frinkiac Challenge. The rules are simple, just go to, or, find a Simpsons, Futurama, or Rick and Morty screencap, and add a quote from our weekly theme you feel would be apropos. Then take your newly-smelted comedy gold and post it up here so we can all judge you. This week’s theme we’re going back to the original Frinkiac Challenge: swap quotes around from one show to the other two– Futurama or Rick and Morty quotes with the Simpsons, Rick and Morty quotes with the Simpsons, or Simpsons or Futurama quots with Rick and Morty.

Coming Up

All your favorites! Since it’s a new site, we’re gonna revisit a bunch of classic themes, probably with a few new ones interspersed here and there.