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Tuesday’s Politics thread coming in hot!

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Because it’s a blue million degrees here in North Carolina, and when it rains it does cool off for a second, but then the mosquitoes come out in full force which is why I’m wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt even though it’s 95 degrees outside so what I’m saying is I won’t be too upset if the comet hits tomorrow.

Anyhooo….here’s Liz Cheney being a badass, even though she’s a Republican, I can respect her tactics.

That’s a helluva to-do list there.

And Merrick Garland will be interviewed by Lester Holt tonight:

So there’s my three. Nailed the dismount and I’m walking away. I look forward to hearing what AG Garland has to say tonight.

Covid is still out there and running hard (seriously, everybody has it right now), so mask up, make sure your shots are all up to date. I totally lied and got a second booster recently. I’m not a total Pollyanna over here.

Take some time. Take some breaths. Take some grace from the bowl and pass it. No threatening anyone. And make sure your milk isn’t expired.

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