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Tuesday’s Politics thread will adopt your baby

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If you want to know what I’m talking about, go look at the end of yesterday’s PT thread, or like all of twitter last night, which spiraled out into pictures of people (and sometimes not people) who will adopt your baby. Good times. Feels like we were overdue for a good spiral.

Cassidy Hutchinson is the surprise Jan 6th witness. She must have dug something out. Plus, she fired her Trump-orbit counsel and got new, very separate lawyers only a few weeks ago I think. There may be another witness as well.

More speculation about that:

Anyway, the hearing today is at 1pm, and we will probably do a separate thread for it. Be on the lookout for a link to one.

I’ve got nothing else right now. I’m still filled with rage and despair. So I hope we get some sweet schadenfreude in the hearing. We deserve it.

Grace: for yourself and for each other. Strength: being gracious does not mean you have to be a pushover. Light*: may we travel ever towards it. There’s your three things for today.

*And please don’t let it be an oncoming train.

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