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The Friday Politics Thread Burns to the Ground

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Good morning everyone! It is not a Happy Friday.

I can’t get over the Amazon rainforest being on fire. It’s hitting me harder than the usual endless stream of bad news.

Anyone who has been around since the Avocado was just a young upstart with big dreams and nothing left to lose probably know me as a regular (potato chip) that has tried to infuse some humor and lightheartedness into these often dour political proceedings. That was a oddly structured sentence but I’m just going to roll with it.

But I just… I don’t know. I feel like I’ve hit a point where it’s just too much. I’ve been putting this thread up for years straight now every Friday with the exception of some helpful fill-ins, but I’m just exhausted. Granted, this is extremely minimal work on my part, but it’s getting harder to write anything here that isn’t just pure bleakness. That’s the actual difficult thing.

So enjoy posting here today, try to stay positive, and remember that we have an excellent community here that’s worth sticking around to be a part of.

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