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Werewolf XXXIV: The Tarot Murders, Day One: Decked Out

Violence has always been a part of society, but the recent surge in local murders seems completely out of proportion. The police have been useless in tracking down even the slightest clue, save the fact that each of the crime scenes has been strewn with items relating to the occult. This crime wave has the nasty tinge of the supernatural about it, and unlike the other people investigating the killings, your mind is a lot more open to embracing the possibility that arcane magic is the only way to stop these horrific slayings.

One afternoon, you receive a note with the address of local psychic Mustard the Mystic, who claims he has a solution. You eagerly make your way to his ramshackle old house, and are ushered into a dim lounge. He enters, and asks you to be seated. You expect Mustard to spout a certain amount of mumbo-jumbo about the spirit world, but he surprises you by coming directly to the point:

“If you truly wish to end these murders, I can help you. The killers (yes, there are multiple killers) are hiding in the Realm of the Tarot, but I can send you there to discover their identities and cease the torment they so enjoy inflicting. It will be incredibly dangerous, though. I can give you a certain amount of power to use while you’re there, but be warned: The killers have power, too.”

You’re set on doing everything you can to restore sanity to your community, and agree to Mustard’s terms. He produces a tarot deck with stunning drawings of figures that almost seem to be moving, until you look at them directly. He fans the cards out and asks you to choose one at random. You close your eyes, reach out, and let Lady Fortune guide your hand. When you open your eyes, you find yourself standing in a small village on the banks of a river, surrounded by 14 other people who look as confused as you must. You steel yourself, your newfound power surging within you. It’s time to do what you came here to do.

10 Town
4 Wolves
1 Serial Killer

Day One Reminders:

The Wolves know each other and share a private chat. Everyone else does not know who each other are, or who the Wolves are, and can generally only communicate on the open game thread.

Every single player has a trait or power or liability or advantage (or a mixture); there are no vanilla roles. Players may identify themselves publically however they wish, but they will also have a private name given to them in their personal QT.

Some players have Day actions, and some have Night actions. The Tarot does not only concern itself with the world of the living, so players in the Graveyard still have a part to play.

Important: This game will require a constant interaction of roles and players, so it will be crucial to keep a careful eye on your QTs. If you use your power and it doesn’t seem to work (or doesn’t work the way you think it should), that’s probably on purpose, though please feel free to ask questions in your personal QTs.

Since nobody is vanilla, it is possible that roles or powers will conflict with each other. In the event that a discrepancy arises, the player who submitted their action first will win the tie. A player’s faction, role, and powers will be revealed upon death, unless revealing any of those would have an effect on the ongoing game. Dead players should not chat in the game threads (though they can say good-bye as they pass through the veil). Dead players will also get a link to The Graveyard, where they can discuss (and even have a chance to participate in) the ongoing game.

You vote by replying to the very first comment, appropriately titled VOTE THREAD. To find it, sort comments by oldest. To change your vote, simply post another reply. DO NOT EDIT ANY VOTE. Only votes posted as a reply to the official VOTE THREAD will count.

You may also choose not to vote for anybody, in which case please cast a “No lynch” vote in the vote thread. If the vote is tied at Twilight (end of day), a random player will be lynched.

DO NOT EDIT POSTS. Sorry you misspelled a word or made a coding snafu, but it’s here to stay. NO editing allowed. Read through and think carefully about your comment before posting it. Editing a post may get you mod-killed, and nobody wants that.

DO NOT QUOTE OR POST A SCREENSHOT FROM A QT TO THE MAIN DAY THREADS. You are free to make claims about your powers and allegiance on the day threads, but those claims will not be confirmed or denied by the moderator.

Day One (and most typical Days) will last 24 hours, or until a majority vote is reached. A typical Night will last 12 hours. Day/Night lengths may be adjusted if necessary.

If you have questions that may reveal sensitive information, feel free to ask them in your personal QT. Please note that you are encouraged to ask questions about the rules of the game, how your powers work, and whatever else comes to mind. Check your QTs often!

Role-playing is encouraged, but not required. Attack arguments, not people. And above all else, have fun!


1) subsaharan / Scorpion King Dwayne The Rock Johnson

2) MacCrocodile / Sobek

3) Candide

4) The Shipwreck

5) Creeper

6) Zecko

7) FJ’s Motorized Hot Tub / Miss Ives

8) Otakunomike

9) TCRM / Ocularion

10) Spiny Creature / Alexandria

11) Banner / LoverThief

12) forget_it_jake / Cleo

13) Thoughts x3 / Cassandra Claire

14) lutair / Hisoka

15) lindsayfunke / Hannah Whitcomb

Day One ends at 12PM EST on Tuesday, July 4, or if a majority lynch vote is reached first. Be sure to submit any Day actions before Twilight or they will not be counted.

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