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Gift Brainstorming!

It's Giftmas Six! Woo!

Welcome to Giftmas! By the end of the day (10/15), you should know who you’re getting a gift for this year, and an idea of when it should be shipped by (depending on where it’s going).

Which means it’s on to Step 2. What the heck do I get my giftee?

This can be a stressful thing for some folks, so this thread is here to help. Let’s brainstorm!

If you’re a gift-giving expert, feel free to post tips, suggestions, and/or success stories of Giftmases past. If you’re totally stumped, this is the place to ask questions of the group – and hopefully get some answers!

And don’t forget to crawl the Introductions Thread if you want to know more about your giftee!

Have at it!

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