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Greatest Music Group That Performs in English But Isn’t English or American

Music FB

So here’s the deal.  We’ve had a best English band and I’m pretty sure we’ve had a best American band.

Now the rest of the world has a shot.  Give me your best groups from Scotland, Canada, Ireland, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, Jamaica, Korea, Japan, etc. and so forth.

I’m loose with my definitions.  As long as the band is primarily not from England (other UK nations are allowed) or the US that’s fine.   Individual members or non-majority multiple members being either of those will not disqualify the nominee.

Please review the nominees to not double post.  I’ll only count the first instance.  This will be up  for as long as I feel like it or until we have a clear bracket.

Include the band name and the country of origin in your nominee.



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