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Werewolf XXXIV: The Tarot Murders, Day Two: The Cup Runneth Over

After such a violent day, the investigators were anxious to retreat for some much-needed solitude and reflection. Only Hisoka still seemed to be in a jolly mood. Feeling sure he could wipe the worried frowns off his companions’ faces, he packed up some goodies into a small sack, slung it over his shoulder, and made the long trek to Alexandria’s library.

“I would prefer to be alone,” she said when Hisoka knocked on her door, consenting only to poke her wizened face out for a few moments. “Don’t fret, Alexandria! I’m sure we’ll root out the killers tomorrow! Everything’s going to be fine!” Hisoka promised. “Let’s hope so. Good night,” Alexandria said, shutting the door firmly in Hisoka’s face. “We’ll talk again soon!” Hisoka shouted before he reluctantly left.

A few minutes later, another knock came at the door. “I thought I told you I wanted to be alone!” Alexandria groused as she opened it. “Don’t worry about it,” said one of the robed figures standing there. “We won’t stay long.”

Meanwhile, Hisoka was ambling back to the village, taking the scenic route on the cliff above the river. “Why are you out so late?” a voice called from the shadows. “Oh, it’s you!” said Hisoka. “I was just out trying to lift people’s spirits. It’s so sad that nobody trusts each other here!” “You’re right,” said the person. “Trust is so important. For example, you trust me, right?” “Of course!” said Hisoka. “Then just take a step off that cliff there. It’s actually solid ground enchanted to look like air.” “It is?!? Cool!” said Hisoka, as he stepped off the cliff without a moment’s hesitation.

To Alexandria’s dismay, it seemed that her conversation with Hisoka could resume sooner than she’d have liked. And would last for eternity.

Alexandria (Spiny Creature) is dead. She was the Hermit. As the Hermit, she could invite another player into her hovel to protect them from a Night kill. She also had a one-shot ability to protect herself from a Night kill.

Hisoka (lutair) is dead. He was the Fool. As the Fool, he was asked to submit another living player’s name at Night. The next Day, when that player voted or switched votes, he’d have to switch his vote to match theirs. To compensate for his foolishness, the first time a Day ends with a majority vote for him, his Fool’s Luck would kick in, and the votes would be wiped, making him ineligible to be lynched for a single Day.

10 6 Town
4 Wolves
1 Serial Killer

Reminders: Some players have Day actions, and some have Night actions. The Tarot does not only concern itself with the realm of the living, so players in the Graveyard still have a part to play. Since nobody is vanilla, it is possible that roles or powers will conflict with each other. In the event that a discrepancy arises, the person who submitted their action first will win the tie.

A player’s faction, role, and powers will be revealed upon death, unless revealing any of those would have an effect on the ongoing game.

You vote by replying to the very first comment, appropriately titled VOTE THREAD. It is easy to find if you sort comments by oldest. To change your vote, simply post another reply. DO NOT EDIT ANY VOTE. Only votes posted as a reply to the official VOTE THREAD will count.

You may also choose not to vote for anybody, in which case please cast a “No lynch” vote in the vote thread. If the vote is tied at Twilight (end of day), a random player will be lynched.

DO NOT EDIT POSTS. Sorry you misspelled a word or made a coding snafu, but it’s here to stay. NO editing allowed. Read through and think carefully about your comment before posting it. Editing a post may get you mod-killed, and nobody wants that.

DO NOT QUOTE OR POST A SCREENSHOT FROM A QT TO THE MAIN DAY THREADS. You are free to make claims about your powers and allegiance on the day threads, but those claims will not be confirmed or denied by the moderator.

If you have questions that may reveal sensitive information, feel free to ask them in your personal QT. Please note that you are encouraged to ask questions about the rules of the game, how your powers work, and whatever else comes to mind. Check your QTs often!


1) subsaharan / Scorpion King Dwayne The Rock Johnson

2) MacCrocodile / Sobek

3) Candide

4) The Shipwreck

5) Creeper

6) Zecko

7) FJ’s Motorized Hot Tub / Miss Ives

8) Otakunomike – The Emperor (Town)

9) TCRM / Ocularion

10) Spiny Creature / Alexandria – The Hermit (Town)

11) Banner / LoverThief – The Lover (Town)

12) forget_it_jake / Cleo

13) Thoughts x3 / Cassandra Claire

14) lutair / Hisoka – The Fool (Town)

15) lindsayfunke / Hannah Whitcomb

Day One

Day Two ends at 12PM EST on Thursday, July 6 or if a majority lynch vote is reached first. Be sure to submit any Day actions before Twilight or they will not be counted.

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