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The 6/21 Night Thread Is Leaving On A Jet Plane

With luck, at the time this thread goes live, I will be on a British Airways flight taking off for London in the United Kingdom!

We plan to visit the British Isles for a little less than a week. Our itinerary, some of which my spouse and I have previously seen, includes:

The Tower of London

Westminster Abbey, with a glance at Parliament and Big Ben

A night at a West End play (Witness for the Prosecution)

Abbey Road

St. Martin’s Church

The National Portrait Gallery1Alas, a few days too soon to see Sir Paul’s photo exhibit

Portobello Road. I’m sure it will be just like Bedknobs and Broomsticks.

A baseball game between the St. Louis Cardinals (yay!) and the Chicago Cubs (boo!) at Olympic Park

Stonehenge! Where the demons dwell, where the banshees live and they do live well.

And, if I can squeeze in time, a side trip to Richmond to see The Prince’s Head Pub.

This will all be new to our son, who will be visiting London for the first time. He’ll also be taking a side trip to Bristol to see some YouTube thingumybob. Whatever makes him happy.

But first, we must avoid dying in a fiery plane crash or getting COVID. Wish us luck.

And I do hope I’ll get along all right. I haven’t learned the language.

Whether you’re at home or traveling, have a safe Night Thread!

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