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The Creative Endeavors Thread Decks the Halls

This is the space for our members to discuss and share their creative projects, ranging from written works to drawings, photography, and even craft projects such as knitting and woodworking. Self promotion is welcome (websites where we can view and/or purchase your work). Please do continue to preface if content is NSFW and be sure to properly spoiler/link such content. Those of you who’d like to post future Creative Endeavors Threads, please be sure to check out the Sign-Up Sheets and act accordingly.

Feeling the holidays fly by as I try to complete my webcomic by New Year’s and gear up to approach the artwork on a different level over the next year (and for that matter decade; which level I guess I’ll find out). While I’ve never especially been married to the holidays as a subject for creative activity (apart from a short story or two and some wrapping paper I illustrated for my niece last year), it seems to be quite a popular field of ideas for people. How do the holidays affect your efforts?

Today’s featured image is the Waitresses performing “Christmas Wrapping,” their hit 1982 single that’s become a particular favorite of mine over the years for a number of reasons, not least my three-year go at being a fellow resident of Akron, Ohio. Probably best known for their other hit single “I Know What Boys Like,” the Waitresses hit a certain level of mainstream fame and a glorious seam of cult notoriety, not least for the inimitably amiable sneering of their lead singer Patty Donahue, who sadly died from lung cancer in 1996. “Christmas Wrapping” remains one of my favorite holiday songs ever.

Christmas Wrapping

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