The Avocado Board of Directors

Moderators and WordPress Support

For WordPress issues or moderation issues, feel free to contact any of the following people either by replying to an old post or tagging them somewhere with the code snippet @…:disqus

afropig @afropig:disqus

annanomally @smallestcutepotato:disqus

The Beautiful Snob-Ra @moodysnob:disqus

Cop on the Edge-ish @copontheedgeish:disqus

Crybaby Boobie @crybabyboobie:disqus

Demyx @DemyxDancer:disqus

Dropwing Duck @dropwing:disqus

Fig Plucker @figplucker:disqus

Forget it Jake @forget_it_jake:disqus

GrandpaSeth @SethB78:disqus

Grumproro @Grumproro:disqus

Kaywise @aintdroppinnoeaves:disqus

Joey Blowey @joeyblowey:disqus

lindsayfunke @lindsayfunke:disqus

Lutair @lutair:disqus

Martha @Eat_Up_Martha:disqus

Meredith Palmer @MeredithPa1mer:disqus

Merve @merve2:disqus

Miss Rim @missrim:disqus

Mustard Of Doom @mustardofdoom:disqus

SheleetaHam @sheleetaham:disqus

Snail of the Week @craigistranquilo:disqus

The Kappa @TheKappa:disqus

Additional WordPress Support:
Inndeeeeeeeed @inndeeeeeeeed:disqus

Minister of Cookies:
Cookie Monster @disqus_jeTusCb3OY:disqus

Sign-up Sheet Manager/Open Thread Head:
Immortan Scott @The_Immortan_Scott:disqus