30 Day Disney Challenge Day 2: Your Favorite Princess

This… may be harder than you think.

The second day brings us to the question of who your favorite princess is. Has it changed over the years as more projects came out? Was your first princess the one that still holds your heart? Or have the more nuanced incarnations that have come in the years since forced you to rethink your position.

Each princess brings something unique to the table – even if they’re not formally a princess – and have inspired millions throughout their lives. These are not off the top of the head creations but carefully thought out pieces. And fans are very intense about their favorites and why they are so…

And yes, we’re keeping this question open for those that may not be fans of the standard princesses and may have one from a Disney-owned property that isn’t considered the same as the picture above. I admit to liking the idea of Leia as a Disney princess at times.