Avocado Day Thread

The Bridget Riley Day Thread (September 25, 2019)

Bridget Riley CH (born 1931 in London) is one of the foremost exponents of Op Art: a particular abstract style which often employ optical illusions, giving the viewer the impression of moving or warping patterns.

Riley began as a student of neo-impressionism. Her first Op Art paintings came in the early 1960s, where she first experimented with geometric shapes – squares, lines, circles, and spirals – in black and white, before introducing colour into her later works.

She exhibited along with other artists in the Museum of Modern Art in New York at an exhibition called “The Responsive Eye” in 1965. It was one of Riley’s paintings that was featured on the cover to the exhibition catalogue, and in 1968, she won the international painting prize at the Venice Biennale.

Op Art is forever remembered as being part of the Swinging Sixties. The fashion, design and advertising industries fell in love with its striking graphic starkness and eye-catching decorative value. Even Roger Sterling loved it.

Enjoy your day, everyone!