WW 97 – Werewolf Falls (Day 4)

“Finally, my big break is here!”

Hodag was enthused heading to the Dusk 2 Dawn convenience store , for the supposed filming of a documentary. It all seemed a little sketchy, as the ad in the paper had simply said filming would be an “unforgettable experience” and to meet in a parking lot.  But Hodag wasn’t picky about parts. He saw hooded figures gathered in the lot as he arrived, and was sure they looked like entertainment industry types.

“Hi, is the right place for the… AWWWWWW” Hodag yelled as he was zapped with a memory eraser, and the hooded figures scattered.

Confused, Hodag attempted to scratched his head with claws, before taking off his costume, out of which game a 12-year old girl in a Shooting Star sweater.

“Why was dressed like that again?”

Hodag / Hayes Codes’ memory has been wiped. They were the SHOOTING STAR (Town Recruiter)

“Aww, damnit” said Grunkle Stan when Mabel found her way to the Mystery Shack. “I’m going to have to take her to the memory restorer guy I met at ConManCon.”

Liz156 / Grunkle Stan has left Werewolf Falls.

After Mabel wandered off, two of the Hooded figures return to the parking lot: A Unicorn and a Cackling Skull .

The Cackling Skull, which had always hid its inner sadness through humor, had been so much happier since beginning a relationship with Celestabellebethabelle that summer.

“I was terrified you would say neigh to me!” said the Cackling Skull.

“I knew you were pure of heart from the start” Celestabellebethabelle responded.

But their star-crossed romance would now come to its conclusion, as possum with a knife on its back that somehow also a teenage girl emerged from the woods, and struck the unicorn with an axe.

“Awww! Wait, an axe? Aren’t knifes your whole deal?” were Celestabellebethabelle’s last words.

“I’m no one-trick pony” said the possum, cooly.

Colonel Mustard / Celestabellebethabelle is dead. They were the RECRUITED WOLF (originally Vanilla Town).

The Cackling Skull watched in horror as it felt darkness descend upon its whole world again.

“I killed her with my father’s axe…” explained the possum who was somehow also a teenage girl, remorsefully. “I aimed badly on my first try, but with his axe, I knew I wouldn’t miss again.”

The Cackling Skull emotions turned to anger as its eyes turned yellow. “You better hope he doesn’t axe for it back.”

Suddenly, a large hand emerged from the earth- that of ZOMBIE MANLY DAN.

“Dad, oh no, I’m so sorry!” The possum tried to explain, as the logger took the creature it had somehow fathered into its grasp, and brought it back beneath the earth with him.

Hoho / Shanklin Possum is dead. They were THE ICE BAG (Town Vigilante)

With revenge assured, now the Cackling Skull turned to thinking how it would move forward. And it quickly realized, it couldn’t. Celestabellebethabelle had meant to much, the Skull couldn’t forget her. Unless…

The Cackling Skull took its own memory gun out, and contemplated the choice.

The voice that had just entered its head earlier that day began to argue.

“Come on, kid. There’s other fish in the sea! Like that Mermando guy!” Bill Cipher pleaded. “I can help you get more revenge! Sweet, terrible revenge!”

“No” the Cackling Skull said. “I got all the revenge I needed” the skull said before pulling the memory gun’s trigger.

Spooky / Cackling Skull’s memory was wiped. She was THE STITCHED HEART (Wolf Recruiter) and possessed by BILL CIPHER.

BILL CIPHER has been defeated. 

But another threat awaits Werewolf Falls, as a six-fingered man steps out a portal, and finds no one there to welcome him.

[spoiler title= Roles]

7 Townsfolk

  • 2 1 MYSTERY TWINS: Share awkward sibling hugs and a QT. 
    • The Pine Tree: Obsessed with the mysteries of Werewolf Falls (Investigator)
    • The Shooting Star: Though not as mystery obsessed as her brother, she’s always up for adventure. (Town Recruiter – See Recruitment Rules below)
  • THE FEZ: Conman / Tourist Trap Owner (Jailkeeper, locks you in the Mystery Shack)
  • ICE BAG: Town Butt-Kicker (2-Shot Vigilante)
  • QUESTION MARK: Friendly Handyman. Might ask you what’s up, dog? (Can chooses a player to ask a question Night)
  • 12 5 Vanilla Town

The Society of the Blind Eye (4 Werewolves)

The Society of the Blind Eye is targeting towns folk with memory guns, attempting to erase all knowledge of the paranormal. Being struck by their memory guns eliminates a player from the game.

  • The Glasses: Mad Scientist / Hillbilly founder. His crazed nature may mislead the investigators (ie Investigator will get False Result).
  • The Pentagram: Creepy Child Psychic (Wolf Investigator)
  • The Llama: Might bless you with the chance to be her servant for the night at the Northwest Mansion Manor (Wolf Roleblocker)
  • The Stitched Heart: Half-dead teenager looking for love (Wolf Recruiter – See Recruitment Rules Below)
  • The Stitched Heart’s Lover: They’re from Canada (Recruited Wolf)
  • Toby Determined: Hapless Reporter with no power (Vanilla Wolf)

Bill Cipher (1 Serial Killer)

One player has been possessed by the mysterious Bill Cipher. If Bill is day-killed or targeted by the vigilante, he will simply possess another player (of the eliminated player’s choice) to take on the SK mantle. The only way Bill Cipher can be defeated is if targeted by a memory gun, wiping him from existence. AKA – he can only be taken out by a wolf kill… UNLESS all the wolves are killed off before him. Then town will take the memory guns into their possession, and Bill Cipher will be vulnerable to any town attempt to kill him.

Serial Killer (formerly UNALIGNED) (1)

  • THE SIX FINGERED HAND: Currently lost in another dimension, but each faction will have a chance to recruit this figure (Wolves/Town will get a Medic, Bill Cipher would get a partner SK. See Recruitment Rules below) The Hand wants revenge against the town that rejected them. They are now a typical Serial Killer.


[spoiler title= Players]


  1. Sister Jude / The Enigmatic Cop
  2. Ralph / Bertie
  3. Sic Humor / Tad Strange
  4. Lindsay / Tina Belcher
  5. Sukaluski / Summerween Trickster
  6. Louie / Special Agent Cooper
  7. Jake / Dolphin Boy
  8. Josephus Brown / Xyler & Craz
  9. Captain Video / Vučko the Olympic Mascot
  10. Side Character / Side Character
  11. Donalbain / Boney
  12. El Marinero / Mermando


  1. Goat / Coach McGuirk Vanilla Town
  2. AnnaNomaly / AnnaNomaly Vanilla Town
  3. April / Mr. Peanutbutter Vanilla Town
  4. Mr.ImMyOwnGrampa / Manly Dan Vanilla Town
  5. Lord Stoneheart / Bidoof Vanilla Town
  6. Sheltie/ Dib / Waluigi Grumproro / Rupert Bear Question Mark / Town
  7. DW / Hat Kid! BILL CIPHER (SK) 
  8. Colonel Mustard / Celestabellebethabelle Recruited Wolf 
  9. Hayes Code / Hodag Shooting Star / Town
  10. Spooky / Cackling Skull Stitched Heart / Wolf / BILL 
  11. Hoho / Shanklin Possum Ice Bag / Town 
  12. Pulp / Stanford Liz156 / Grunkle Stan ???


  1. Sub


[spoiler title= Rules]


  1. RECRUITMENT: On the first three nights, Town and the Wolves will compete to recruit the Hand. Each of those night Mabel will select a player that she “trusts” (besides her brother). Trusting a wolf or town player will be do nothing. Trusting EITHER the Six Fingered Hand OR the Fez will bring the Hand to Town’s side. Trusting Bill Cipher will have catastrophic consequences. Meanwhile, Robbie will also be recruiting for the wolves. Upon targeting another player, they will be informed whether or not they have targeted the Hand (but no other info on that players’ role would be provided). They can choose whether to lock in the recruitment or to cancel it and try again the next night (they can only recruit  1 player), but Night 3 will be their last chance to use the power. Once a Robbie Recruitment is locked in, the player will join the wolf faction, but will function as lovers with the Stitched-Heart. IF a player is recruited by both sides on the same night, they will die. If neither Town or the Wolves has recruited the Six Fingered Hand after the first three nights, and the player is still alive, they will join forces with Bill Cipher (as a QT mate and back-up SK).
  2. Otherwise, all typical werewolf rules apply. A Day phase where you vote for who to kill, a night phase where rolled players use their powers.
  3. DO NOT QUOTE from any of your QT’s. Do not edit comments
  4. Participation: Please note that you must make a minimum of three posts per day to avoid being mod-killed.
  5. Roleplaying not required but certainly encouraged. You can take a Gravity Falls character if you want, even if it’s one of the roles in the game. I’m sure I’ll find some way to explain it in the write-ups.
  6. Blocks > Recruitments > Investigations > Other > Kill Shots
  7. The Wolves win when they hold a voting majority… UNLESS Bill Cipher remains in the game. Bill Cipher must be defeated for the Wolves to win.


[spoiler title= Vanilla Town Message]

Hello, you are a normal resident of Werewolf Falls (Vanilla Town). You live oblivious to the weirdness and danger that exists around you, and your only power is your vote. Have fun!
