Werewolf 72: I Am Everything That Happens: Day 3 – “The Slough of Despond”



The air seems to normalize, and then grow thick, as the abyss seems to coalesce into form, function following shortly. You are in a cavernous room now, not unlike the one you started in during the last shift in space and time. There seems to be only one source of ambient light: the single blink of an immense pillar, resembling a server, but one that seems to snake cables in and around every surface around the cavern…which now, upon further inspection, appears to be entirely manufactured, the surface and texture resembling silicon chips. This place…it’s a computer.

You hear screams, and the heads turn to the source in sync. The cause is obvious – not all of you survived the journey through the void. The two prone figures, the sapient roach that had not tried to remain terribly friendly and the small brandgirl of the snack cake company, both given existence and feeling during the Mass Consumption, lay still as can be, their eyes betraying no sign of recognition. Here are two more souls, laid to rest. They will see without seeing for the rest of eternity.

Spiny Creature/Little Debbie has died. She was Javert the Cop.

April/Cockroach has died. She was Castle the Vigilante.

While you reflect on two more having gone to the Beyond, some words echo through the room, as if it emanates from every atom, every speck of this room giving voice to the terrible anger…



  • 1 Maturin
  • 1 Almalexia
  • 4 3 Lycanafabulae
  • 1 Gafinilan
  • 1 Mertil
  • 1 Javert
  • 1 O’Brien
  • 1 Castle
  • 1 Elend
  • 1 du Pont
  • 9 Narremes


  1. Lamb Dance
  2. El Marinero – Lycanafabulae
  3. Owen1120
  4. Lindsayfunke
  5. Little Miss Giggle Fits
  6. SisterJudeTheObscure
  7. InnDEE….D
  8. D. Goat
  9. Lutair
  10. Dw
  11. Doctor Nick
  12. HohoPossum
  13. Robert Post’s Child
  14. Creeper
  15. April L.K.D.  – Castle the Vigilante
  16. Notevenanerd
  17. Spiny Creature – Javert the Cop
  18. LouieBlue – Elend the Town Backup
  19. Sic humor
  20. HolsGG
  21. Candide
  22. Warrior

Day 3 will end at 9am Pacific on Saturday, September 29th, or if a majority of 10 votes is reached. Ties in voting will result in a random death, chosen from among the top vote-receivers.

Editing posts, or directly quoting any part of your QT without permission, is not allowed.

Roleplay is encouraged, but not required.

Last, and most certainly not least…I AM.