NSFW: The LGBT+ Sex & Relationships Discussion

WARNING: This is a Not Safe For Work (NSFW) discussion!  If you are afraid of others seeing what’s on your screen, leave now and come back later!

Greetings, Avocadoans!  We’re doing this again this week: a second LGBTQQIA+ weekly discussion, this one focused more on our sexual activity and relationships!  (And anything else related to LGBT+ issues or media, like in the Tuesday discussion!  Open discussions are fine!)

(Trying this on a Saturday afternoon — maybe we’ll actually get more NSFW participation?)

Rules for this discussion:

  • Similarly with the Women+ weekly discussion, we ask that only those who do not identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, asexual, questioning, or any other sexual or gender minority to be supportive observers only!  Upvotes are always fine!
  • Please put graphic images behind a < spoiler > tag.   (No porn!)
  • Unlike Tuesday’s weekly LGBT+ Discussion, you don’t have to use spoiler tags for explicit text unless you really want to.
  • As always, any shaming or hateful speech will not be tolerated — if you see some, please flag it ASAP.