Day Thread Dedicated to the Creator’s Showcase

Good Morning Avocado.

It’s me, Martha.

I want to share with you something important: Creators. We’re a diverse type. Writers, artists, crafters, photographers, knitters, musicians, podcasters, corpse posers. Maybe that last one is made up but wouldn’t you look the fool if you doubted and then it was proven real, so let’s assume that somewhere out there someone is artfully posing corpses for your enjoyment.

I welcome you to the start of the Creator’s Showcase Week. Each day this week, a thread will be posted dedicated to a different section of the External Contributor’s Page but therein I have also encouraged the regular contributors to the weekly Creative Endeavors Thread to also share their work appropriate to that day’s topic. I will also ask anyone here who has something to offer do so as well.

We have among us some magnificent and imaginative creators. It is only right that we compliment them in turn and celebrate their work.

Each day, these threads will post at 9 AM CST (aside from today, where the first will post 15 minutes after the Day Thread).