Werewolf? THERE Wolf! Night Thread (3/22)

I’m going to take this opportunity to showcase Werewolf on the Avocado. Werewolf (also called Mafia) is a game wherein a group of Townsfolk try to suss out the Werewolves in their midst, an initiative often complicated by the existence of a Serial Killer, not to mention (especially on the Avocado) myriad weird roles and strange setups designed to confuse everyone and provoke WIFOM (“wine in front of me”) decisions all over the damn place.


Tyrone introduced Werewolf/Mafia to the Avocado in February 2016, and over two years later, we’re currently flailing our way through the Avocado’s 56th game. Werewolf settings have taken inspiration from everything from Agatha Christie, to eldritch horror, to Battlestar Galactica, to cyberpunk, to anime, to cruise ship voyages, to RPGs, to Looper, to Lost, to soap operas, to The Snowman, to 80s movies, to ancient Greece, and so, so much more.


Regular players range from a teenage tricky-tray enthusiast to an ageless eyeball, and we’re always excited to welcome new participants. You don’t need to know what you’re doing; you just need a taste for absurdity and murder.


The next game, from Lovely Bones, is set to start around the beginning of next week. Join us, won’t you?


(*makes mental note to set a game at the Overlook Hotel*)