The Avocado

Lutair’s Declassified Disqus Survival Guide 3rd Edition

Good day and welcome back to Lutair’s Declassified Disqus Survival Guide. The Guide will give you a quick tutorial on to how to spice up your comments in Disqus.

Chapter One: Images, Gifs, Videos Oh My!

Images and Gifs:



Disqus makes adding images very simple, just find a link to the image and copy it into your comment. Some video sites don’t work, and some images (especially if they don’t end in a .png, .jpg, .gif, etc) will only appear as links, but if you copy a link, you should see a little embed pop up in the bottom, like this:


If you have images on your PC you’d like to add, simply click the image button and upload the image. It must be under the 5MB limit to upload. If you’re uploading from your cell phone, the image has a good chance of being rotated incorrectly. To fix this issue, open the image in any phone image editor, crop the sides a bit, and upload the new, correct-gravity image.

If you’re jealous of some of the hecka-sweet gifs people are posting, @Aranaktu made a Guide on How to Make Gifs which is very helpful.

Videos, Maps, Tweets:


The process is similar for web videos, tweets, and even google maps. Copy the youtube, twitter, facebook video, etc link and paste it in your comment where you would like it to go. If the preview does not appear, that format is likely not embedded by Disqus.

Blocking Images, Videos, Maps, Tweets:

If there are too many images, and you would like to eliminate 3, you can do so by using the “Hide Media” feature of Disqus. First, go to any article, then scroll to the comments and click on the dropdown next to your name and click Hide Media. This will make Disqus default to hide images posted by users until you click View.


Chapter 2: HTML, The Invisible Killer

The Basics:

HTML tags are little notes you give a browser on how to display what you write. To use them, you place a specific code words inside of <> symbols. When you want that note to no longer take effect, you place an end delimiter, which is the same code word with a “/” in front. For example, <b>some text</b> makes this: some text. The b is short for bold. Some tags don’t need an end delimiter, like the line break tag. Let’s get to examples!

Bold Text

Example: I’M CHUBBY!
To embolden a word, use the tags <b>BOLD TEXT</b>
You can also use <strong> if you’re feeling loquacious.

Italic Text

Example: I’M SLANTED!
To italicize a word, use the tags <i>ITALIC TEXT</i>
You can also use <em> if you hate simplicity.

Underlined Text

To underline a word, use the tags <u>UNDERLINED TEXT</u>

Stricken Text

Example: IGNORE ME!
To strike a word, use the tags <s>STRICKEN TEXT</s>
You can also use <strike> if you keep forgetting which one is spoiler and which one is strike. Speaking of which…

Spoiler Text

Example: (See comments)
To hide a word behind a spoiler block, use the tags <spoiler>SPOILER</spoiler>. You can, in fact, use tiered spoiler tags, if it behooves you to do so.

Quoted Text


Otters are scientifically the coolest fvckin shit.

To create a blockquote, use the tags <blockquote>QUOTED TEXT</blockquote> This will create its own line for the quote, so you don’t have to linebreak after.

Blue Green Text

To make a word green, use the tags <a>GREEN TEXT</a>
The a stands for anchor. You’ll notice that it certainly looks a lot like a link. Well guess what!


Example: I GO PLACES!
To make greentext into a link, you have to add a reference, denoted as href=”“, show like this: <a href=”“>The Blue Text</a> Remember to wrap the URL in quotation marks.

Hover Text

The anchor tag can also have hover text, whether or not it’s a link. This is done by adding a title, like title=”hover words” show, like this:<a title=”Hover Text!”>BLUE TEXT</a>
or with a link as well:
<a title=”Hover Text!” href=”“>BLUE TEXT</a>
Remember to wrap the hover text in quotation marks or it won’t work and everyone will hate you.

Robot/Code Text

Example: See featured comment.
To make text all robotic and stuff, use the tags <code>ROBOT TEXT</code> There’s a bit more to go into here, including cool colors, so see the featured comment for a deeper dive.

Line Breaks


To make a new line without hitting enter, use the tag<br>. This is a standalone tag and doesn’t need a delimiter. You can also use <p> This creates a new paragraph, so when you end it with </p>, that will create another line break. If you want to hide something behind a “see more”, use a whole bunch (at least 26) of br’s and then type the message. Yes, this will let you make OF CÔCK jokes.

Useless Tags

Disqus lists a few more tags, which, as far as I know (since we can’t alter the global attributes) are useless. This includes:<span>, <cite>, and <caption> . They might do something if they ever let us change global variables, but for now they appear useless. Please do let me know if they ever work for anything.

Chapter 3: Writing Things

Alt codes

To get accented letters, you can use “alt codes”, listed here. Hold alt and on the number pad, type the code. For ú, use ALT+0250. This section was mainly here to get past the word filter in generic disqus, but you can still say fúck if you’re feeling fancy.

Weird Text

Ever wonder how to talk li̴̛͢k͟͝e̶̸͜ ̢́͠t͘̕͢his͘͘ or perhaps sᴉɥʇ ǝʞᴉl or even 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈? Well wonder no more. Simply visit one of these websites, type your sentence and have internet magic provide your posts autogenerated pizzazz. Z̟̰͡ͅa̶̴͔͙͟ĺ͝҉̘̩͖̙g̴͓̖̦̫̟͜ò̫͓̯̳͉̕ ̨͓͈̮̼͔͎ͅT͈̪̥͚͙̘̯̰e̦͓͎̼x̨̗͚́ţ̫͝ ̢̟̖̺Ǵ̴̪͕͎̻̬͠e͡҉͙̠͕͇̼̙n̸̻͙͕͢e̛͈̳̺̠͚͕̩͢͜ͅr̕͜҉̞̟͎̫a͏̨͓̭͚̜̠̻̭̞͓t̶̡͚͕̯̮̯̫͈̹͜o̢͚͇ŗ̝̻̠̥̦͈̱̹, 𝒞𝑜𝑜𝓁 𝐹𝒶𝓃𝒸𝓎 𝒯𝑒𝓍𝓉 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓉𝑜𝓇ɹoʇɐɹǝuǝפ ʇxǝ┴ uʍop ǝpᴉsd∩

HTML-encoded characters

Sometimes you gotta explain to people how to do the thing. In this case, it is useful to be able to make a letter without writing the letter. Simply use this chart to replace characters with HTML codes. For example, for bullet points(•), use &bull; or a < symbol is typed &lt; or &#60; . This will allow you to tell people how to use tags. HTML-encoded characters will also let you post urls, images, and videos as text links instead. Maybe you want to post a bunch of videos but not bog down the thread with embeds. Simply wrap it in code tags and replace a . or two in the url with &#46; and you’re set!

Notifying People

Example: @lutair you might like this picture of an otter!
If someone is in the discussion (their comment generally needs to be loaded in your browser), or if you follow them, you can give them a notification by typing their name after an @ symbol. If you type @ and then start typing their name, Disqus should provide a pop-up list of users you can @. If you’re not following them, you can notify them with @[username]:disqus. (e.g. @lutair:disqus) When referencing them, Disqus uses their username, not their display name, so it may turn into something like @Disqus_f3dmez3ck0:disqus.

So, that’s basically it. If you have questions or need any help, feel free to ask here or @ me. Use this power wisely